Posing Shorts

   Competitors are required to wear posing shorts.

   You are “NOT” to wear board shorts or Bodybuilding posing trunks.

   Competitors are required to wear the same type of cut and all shorts that are worn in competition must be black.

   All Suits will be checked at registration/weigh-ins.

Posing Music

   Posing music will be used at the Finals. Posing routine should be a maximum of 60 seconds.

    Upload your music for your posing routine from the confirmation email you received from website@muscleware.com. If you are unable to download your music, please bring it to check-ins on a USB. It must be the only music on the USB.

   Posing music must not contain profane, vulgar or offensive language. Competitors using music containing such language will be disqualified.

On Stage

   No glasses, props or gum are permitted onstage.

   Any competitor doing the “Moon Pose” will be disqualified.

   Lying on the floor is prohibited.

   Bumping and shoving is prohibited. First and second persons involved will be disqualified.

   Competitors numbers will be worn on the left side of the suit bottom.

Judging Round

   Presentation Round (up to maximum of 30 seconds) (No Gymnastics Moves are Allowed)

   Followed by Comparison Round - 5 mandatory poses..

Judging Finals

   Posing music will be used at the Finals. Posing routine should be a maximum of 60 seconds.

   Confirmation round (if necessary)

   Posedown (overall title only)

Mandatory Poses

The Judging is scored 100% and will consist of comparisons of the quarter turns and the following “5” mandatory poses:

   Front Double Bicep

   Side Chest

   Back Double Bicep

   Abdominals with one thigh

   Favorite Classic Pose (Not Most Muscular)

Height & Weight Classes

   Please Note: Effective August 2, 2023, new height and weight charts for Men's Classic Physique.

All other CPA national competitions and regional and state contests will have the option to offer 4 height classes or to stay with the 2 or 3 height classes they are currently using. The breakdown for the 4 height classes will be:

A Men's Classic Physique competition may be divided in the following 4 weight/height divisions.

Division "A" (up to and including 5'7")

Up to and including 5’ 4” Up to and including 167 lbs
Over 5’ 4”, up to and including 5’ 5” Up to and including 172 lbs
Over 5’ 5”, up to and including 5’ 6” Up to and including 177 lbs
Over 5’ 6”, up to and including 5’ 7” Up to and including 182 lbs

Division "B" (Over 5'7", up to and including 5'10")

Over 5’ 7”, up to and including 5’ 8” Up to and including 187 lbs
Over 5’ 8”, up to and including 5’ 9” Up to and including 194 lbs
Over 5’ 9”, up to and including 5’ 10” Up to and including 202 lbs

Division "C" (Over 5'10", up to and including 6'0")

Over 5’ 10”, up to and including 5” 11”” Up to and including 209 lbs
Over 5’ 11”, up to and including 6’ 0”” Up to and including 217 lbs

Division "D" (over 6'0")

Over 6’ 0”, up to and including 6’ 1” Up to and including 224 lbs
Over 6’ 1”, up to and including 6’ 2” Up to and including 232 lbs
Over 6’ 2”, up to and including 6’ 3” Up to and including 239 lbs
Over 6’3”, up to and including 6’ 4” Up to and including 246 lbs
Over 6’4”, up to and including 6’5”” Up to and including 253 lbs
Over 6’ 5”, up to and including 6’ 6” Up to and including 260 lbs
Over 6’ 6”, up to and including 6’ 7” Up to and including 267 lbs
Over 6’7”” Up to and including 274 lbs

Classic Physique Posing Video Tutorial

Join the CPA

To compete or participate in a CPA event, athletes must be registered with the CPA.

Competitor Health

Any competitor who appears to be disoriented, light-headed or experiences undue cramping will not be permitted to compete.

Junior & Masters

Junior Athletes - must be at least 18 years old and no older than 23 as of the day of the show.

Masters Men and Women’s Classes begin at 35 years of age or over as of the day of the show. Promoters may add masters classes as follows 40/45/50/55/60 years of age.

Qualifications received as a junior or as a master are valid for the respective division only and may not be carried over to other divisions.

Placing Top 3 in a Regional competition in the Masters 35+ qualifies you to all Masters Pro Qualifier classes in your division. Placing Top 3 in a Regional competition in the Masters 40+ qualifies you to all Masters Classes above 40+ in your division provided you meet the age requirements.

True Novice & Novice

True Novice – All first-time competitors are eligible to compete in the True Novice category (never competed with the CPA in any category at a bodybuilding or physique competition). The True Novice category provides no qualifications, just awards and bragging rights.

Novice - All competitors who did not place 1st in any category with a minimum of 3 athletes or more may compete in the Novice category. The Novice category provides no qualifications, just awards and bragging rights.

Athlete Check-Ins/Weigh-Ins

Competition check-ins/weigh-ins take place the day prior to the contest at a location provided by the contest promoter. The promoter will publish the official check-in/weigh-in start time. All competitors, regardless of category, must be present for the official check-in/weigh-in.

During the official check-in/weigh-in competitors will be officially heighted and/or weighed, receive their competitor number and information verified. All competitors must show their CPA membership card. Junior and Masters competitors must provide government issued ID showing date of birth (i.e. passport, birth certificate, etc.)

Please note: Any competitor who does not make weight will be given a maximum of 30 minutes in which to do so. If, for whatever reason, the competitor does not return within thirty minutes, he or she will be eliminated from the competition. The onus is on the competitor to return within the deadline; the CPA is under no obligation to issue time warnings or to track down the competitor.


The only people permitted in the backstage area are competitors, approved backstage pass purchasers, expediters, CPA officials & CPA Media.